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hey guys welcome back to my blog for today's blog I'm gonna talk about this movie, i love science (one facts about me that no one know) so I enjoyed this animated movie but I'm sure you guys will also love this and will be amaze! I know all of us or some of us used to wondered what are we made of, well based on what i learn on the movie i watched we all are made from a start and what i mean by that is and the universe, planets, animals, and the whole earth that we were from right now, even us humans.I am really amaze when i finished watching it.I can't even get it out of my head!..I tried to find it on YouTube and i found it in there, there's only one video and no more so i laugh...anyways, if you already watch it i know you will agree with me that, that animation is amazing and priceless! they have amazing pronunciation and you can really understand what they were talking about.
Why is the film title “We are Stars?”
It was called We are Stars cause this film was talking about where we all came from and how.
Why are our atoms on a journey?
To create this thing, (i don't really know what it was called)where it all came from and created the biggest stars.
What was the first atom?
What was the second most simple atom called?
What affects or pulls mass, the atoms that create gigantic clouds of hydrogen?
It was the gravity that pulls mass and create the gigantic clouds of hydrogen that made the first gigantic stars.
What are the super bright spots inside early galaxies called?
It was the massive stars.
The inner Star core generates heat by what process?
It was the hot hydrogen plasma that generates heat that a reaction called the nuclear Fusion.
Why are stars called “Element Factories?”
They came from the element factories we call stars. Stars are mostly hydrogen throughout most of their lifespans. They are driven by massive and continuous thermonuclear reactions and gravity. ... This extra heat begins to fuse helium atoms into heavier elements like carbon and oxygen and gives new life to the star.
What is created when a star collapses?
It blows it self apart in a super nova!
What are two basic parts of Nebuli?
It was the molecules and Nebula
What is formed inside a Nebula?
It was called water, oxygen linking with two hydrogen in it or what we call H2O
and the another common molecule in a nebula is called Carbon dioxide CO2, made with one carbon atom connected with 2 oxygen atoms.
and methane.
What does a planet provide for molecules?
They used the sun's energy to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar
When earth was young (1 billion years old), it was bombarded by what?
Gases, molecules, metals, and dust
As the earth cooled and steam built up in the atmosphere, what happened?
The earth began to rain for thousand and thousand of years and covered the whole planet with water.
Where did the molecules called the :building blocks of life” begin on earth?
it was in the bottom of the ocean, where the water was heathen by the molten rock of the earth mantle burst through vetch.
Chance interactions of molecules under the oceans develop into the first what?
It was develop into shape of cells.
What is the super power process do turning CO2 and H2O called?
It was that carbon dioxide that compound oxygen which made our planet have a living life that created the first land animals in the earth which is our dinosaurs.
What were the new “Atom Organizers” after the dinosaurs called?
it was the Mammals
What did the “strange apes” have? What could they think about?
They think just like a normal humans. They can think creatively, and there also smart enough to do something just like humans!
How are we connected to the history of the universe?
It all started into one tiny point that exploded and expand the whole universe and created the first stars and that stars exploded and created the planets and one of that is our earth and that is when we all came from.
What is the super power process do turning CO2 and H2O called?
It was that carbon dioxide that compound oxygen which made our planet have a living life that created the first land animals in the earth which is our dinosaurs.it was the Mammals
What did the “strange apes” have? What could they think about?
They think just like a normal humans. They can think creatively, and there also smart enough to do something just like humans!
How are we connected to the history of the universe?
It all started into one tiny point that exploded and expand the whole universe and created the first stars and that stars exploded and created the planets and one of that is our earth and that is when we all came from.
Great work, Kristille. I am so glad that you enjoyed the film and that you have taken the time to write about the film. Your answers show that you really listened well and took some time to understand. The "superpower process" referred to is photosynthesis-cells using the sun's energy to turn CO2 and H2O into sugar...Thanks for sharing!